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Narrative 1 Easy Updater

The Narrative1 Easy Updater allows you to Update your Narrative1 installation with a single mouse click.

Start by downloading the updater itself by clicking Install the Easy Updater. Usually, there are security alerts associated with downloading and running anything you get from the Internet. These depend upon your computer and your browser. If you work throught the various windows that appear, ask for more options if you don't see the one you want and keep in mind that you trust the program then you will be able to install and run the Easy Update installer.

Once you have started the installation, your system will probably post something that looks like:

       Easy Updater Warning ScreenShot

You know where you got this program so click the area that says "Allow".

After this, you should accept all defaults. You will have to click the radio button to accept the license agreement:

      Easy Updater Liscense ScreenShot

Note that installtion process includes installing the MySQL connector. Accept all defaults with this part of the installation as well,


The installation program will place an icon on your desktop and another icon in the "All Programs" / "Narrative 1" folder that you can find by clicking your computer's "Start" button. The icon will look something like
                Easy Updater Icon ScreenShot

You can double click either of these icons any time you want to be certain that you are running the latest version of your Narrative 1 software. Note that the icon says "N1 Easy Updater". There could be other similar looking Narrative1 icons, but these will have different titles.

Whenever you run the Easy Updater program, you will be presented with a simple form that has two buttons on it.

   Easy Updater Module ScreenShot

When you click the "Go" button, the N1 Easy Updater will check to see if you are due for an update and if so, it will download the latest software modules for you. ) or Word (TM) workbooks or documents. There are some files that the system cannot replace if Word or Excel are running. If your update fails for any reason, you can always try to run it again.


Narrative1 Commercial Appraisal Software